Our Mission:


We are a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation that value people. Our aim is to support the community by enhancing children, women and men to realize their full potential.


What We Do

Clean Water

clean water

Clean Water is the essential part of a healthy life. A Gesture of Love focuses on providing clean water in backward areas.

Household Items

household necessities

A Gesture of Love impacts society by meeting the social needs of families by providing various items.



Education is vital in our society. We offer various materials to adults and children of diverse abilities. Nourishing the brain.


School Supplies

We sponsor students by providing school supplies in various communities to assure education for all.


Get Involved

We are built on love and faith like mustard seed. We are here to make a difference and serve a need for those who lack the general necessites of life.


become a volunteer

Give your time and serve the community

donate items

Provide meal, school supplies, and other helpful items

make a donation

Make secure monetary donations


john 15:13

Greater love has  no one than this; to lay  down one's life for one's friends.